05-Dec-2020 - 09:00 AM
Practice Made Perfect sales practice program brings true change in behaviour, helping employees to achieve their sales goals with greater focus, confidence, and capacity. The program’s five modules cover the essential sales skills. The module on "Pitch Perfect" will teach you how to convey even the most complex ideas in a simple and persuasive way." Please note the seminar leader will be contacting you directly via email. The typical schedule for emailing participants is below. Prior to Event • 5 days - welcome email with general information & instructions & the link to the webinar • 1-2 days - reminder email with a variation of the above Post Event • 1-2 days - follow up email • 2-4 weeks - check-in email
05-Dec-2020 - 09:00 AM
05-Dec-2020 - 12:00 PM